Sunday, August 28, 2011

This is a bit about me.

My name is Jedd Ashton House, and i am 20 yrs. old. I came from an incredibly small town called Excel Alabama. If you are driving and you just so happen to blink you quite literately just missed the whole town. I have worked as everything from a hardware store clerk to a lumberjack, plumber, carpenter, mason, landscaper, and almost anything in between. I grew up in a family of loggers, millwrights, and farmers, but i was always good at teaching. With the help of some of my favorite teachers pointing me in the right direction, I came down to the University of South Alabama with high hopes of becoming a teacher myself and thereby giving back to the community. On an unrelated note, I have always been interested in martial arts, and self defense, and I have trained in a variety of styles, often times taking what I see as most practical and incorporating it with what i already know. I enjoy teaching martial arts, and history. Both subjects have the same general story lines, "man takes a hard knock on the head, and learns what not to do when he tries again" , which is why i find them so interesting, and at times funny.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Ashton,
    You seem like a very interesting person at such a young age. You have worked in so many different fields and that is just pure talent. You seem very hard working and unique and that is a wonderful trait. I have never lived in a small town, but I went to my first college in Selma, Alabama and it is extremely small just like your home town. I hope to continue to get to know you and I wish you the best of luck with teaching martial arts and history. What is your favorite history by the way? Randy P was a very interesting man. I agree with you on not having very good time management but after watching the video I learned a few tips. Did you know that he died from cancer in 2007? Also welcome to EDM 310!!!!
